Английский язык — ЕНТ- пробное онлайн тестирование

Пробное онлайн тестирование нового формата по Английскому языку для подготовки к Единому Национальному Тестированию (ЕНТ). Проверьте свои знания по фонетике, грамматике, лексике, орфографии английского языка. Тест включает в себя 40 случайных тестовых заданий: 25 заданий с одним правильным ответом, 5 заданий на основе контекста, 5 заданий на соответствие и 5 заданий с одним или несколькими вариантами ответов.

Английский язык — ЕНТ- пробное онлайн тестирование

Английский язык - ЕНТ - пробное онлайн тестирование

1 / 40

The right sentence in Indirect speech

He said: “I haven‟t seen my cousin today.”

2 / 40

The right variant

Jane ... at six every day, but today she ... late.

3 / 40

Answer the question
When was the Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?

4 / 40

The right variant

She asked her friend ... her that afternoon.

5 / 40

Complete the idiom Break the … .

6 / 40

The Subjunctive Mood

7 / 40

The antonym of entire

8 / 40

The right variant

The letter … at this time yesterday.

9 / 40

The right variant

The cup … with milk was on the table.

10 / 40

She … go for a walk in the evening.

11 / 40

The right variant of verb
Your watch … 2 minutes fast, it is 10 o’clock now.

12 / 40

The right variant
“It is too late.” – I said it … too late.

13 / 40

The right variant

… easy tests on Physics, weren’t they?

14 / 40

The right variant
The film has a name ― "Scream".

15 / 40

Complete the sentence
Scotland is a part of ... .

16 / 40

The sentence with ‟Complex Object‖

17 / 40

The right variant
She asked her friend ... her that afternoon.

18 / 40

Complete the proverb
… speak louder than words.

19 / 40

The right variant of Indirect speech
"It is a fine idea." – I said it … a fine idea.

20 / 40

Read the text and complete the sentence
An old lady was sitting next to an American soldier in the station waiting-room. The soldier was chewing a piece of gum. The old lady smiled at him and said: «It is very kind of you to talk to me, young man, but I don‘t hear anything».
An old lady… .

21 / 40

The right sentence in Indirect speech
He said: "I haven‘t seen my cousin today".

22 / 40

Appropriate answer
There are ___ states in Australia.

23 / 40

The sentence in Reported Speech

24 / 40

The correct form of the verb in the sentence
“She likes Milan so much, she wishes she ... here”.

25 / 40


26 / 40

The Statue of Liberty

One of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York. This statue is the Statue of Liberty - a woman holding a torch. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is about 100 metres high. The statue of Liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France for America's 100th birthday. French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Eiffel, who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, found out how to make the heavy statue stand. People who come to the United States see the Statue of Liberty holding her torch. It symbolizes a welcome to the land of freedom.

A) The Statue of Liberty - a woman holding a torch.
B) Americans designed and built the pedestal.
C) The Statue of Liberty is a gift to the United States from the people of France.
D) The statue of Liberty was put up in 1886.
E) As many as twenty people can stand inside the torch.

The correct negative sentence with “used to”

27 / 40


I’ve spent the last year wandering around the globe and exploring this wondrous thing called life. I’ve learned that the timing will never be perfect because rarely are we blessed with the perfect time to do something. When I was planning on leaving to travel for a year, it was never the “right time” when everything was going to be put on hold for my travels. I needed more money, or I would lose my job. I realized that I was never going to be “ready” to drastically change my life, as I was always going to have some new commitment or excuse. So I left at the “wrong time” in life and it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me. But once I got sick of missing out on things I wanted to do and see, I started to just do them anyway.

I’ve also learned friendships are everything. I heard this one a lot before, but never really believed it that much. It was only when I had no friends that I realized their importance. Another lesson I have learned is that life doesn’t have to be “normal”. Go to school, get a job, or buy a big house. When anyone strays from this path they are considered to be not “normal”. I began to meet interesting characters from all over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded. I saw and experienced how happy people are doing something completely different than normal jobs, because they get to wake up every day and do what they want to do in the place they want to be.

So, while travelling you get a whole new perspective on what really matters and you feel this sense of adventure and excitement that reminds you just how many possibilities you have in life. It will teach you more about yourself and the world around you than you could ever imagine.

I began to meet interesting…..

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I’ve spent the last year wandering around the globe and exploring this wondrous thing called life. I’ve learned that the timing will never be perfect because rarely are we blessed with the perfect time to do something. When I was planning on leaving to travel for a year, it was never the “right time” when everything was going to be put on hold for my travels. I needed more money, or I would lose my job. I realized that I was never going to be “ready” to drastically change my life, as I was always going to have some new commitment or excuse. So I left at the “wrong time” in life and it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me. But once I got sick of missing out on things I wanted to do and see, I started to just do them anyway.

I’ve also learned friendships are everything. I heard this one a lot before, but never really believed it that much. It was only when I had no friends that I realized their importance. Another lesson I have learned is that life doesn’t have to be “normal”. Go to school, get a job, or buy a big house. When anyone strays from this path they are considered to be not “normal”. I began to meet interesting characters from all over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded. I saw and experienced how happy people are doing something completely different than normal jobs, because they get to wake up every day and do what they want to do in the place they want to be.

So, while travelling you get a whole new perspective on what really matters and you feel this sense of adventure and excitement that reminds you just how many possibilities you have in life. It will teach you more about yourself and the world around you than you could ever imagine.

New commitment means… 

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I’ve spent the last year wandering around the globe and exploring this wondrous thing called life. I’ve learned that the timing will never be perfect because rarely are we blessed with the perfect time to do something. When I was planning on leaving to travel for a year, it was never the “right time” when everything was going to be put on hold for my travels. I needed more money, or I would lose my job. I realized that I was never going to be “ready” to drastically change my life, as I was always going to have some new commitment or excuse. So I left at the “wrong time” in life and it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me. But once I got sick of missing out on things I wanted to do and see, I started to just do them anyway.

I’ve also learned friendships are everything. I heard this one a lot before, but never really believed it that much. It was only when I had no friends that I realized their importance. Another lesson I have learned is that life doesn’t have to be “normal”. Go to school, get a job, or buy a big house. When anyone strays from this path they are considered to be not “normal”. I began to meet interesting characters from all over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded. I saw and experienced how happy people are doing something completely different than normal jobs, because they get to wake up every day and do what they want to do in the place they want to be.

So, while travelling you get a whole new perspective on what really matters and you feel this sense of adventure and excitement that reminds you just how many possibilities you have in life. It will teach you more about yourself and the world around you than you could ever imagine.

According to the author travelling helps you …

30 / 40

At the customs house

A Frenchwoman decided to go to Great Britain for a holiday. She booked a seat for a plane as she wanted to get there as soon as possible. At the booking – office she found out that it would take her only two hours to get to London. She was very happy. She hurried home and began packing her things as she was afraid to leave something important behind. After she had packed everything, she found, that she had two big suit-cases. She ordered a taxi in advance to come to the airport on time.

On the day of her flight, she checked her things again, when she suddenly remembered about her nice little dog. She could not leave the dog at home as there was no one who would look after it. So, she decided to take the dog to GB.

The flight was very pleasant. The Frenchwoman thought that nobody noticed her dog. But just before the plane landed one of the passengers who was sitting near the woman told her that the English did not let foreigners bring dogs to their country. The woman did not know what to do. When the plane landed, she put the dog under her coat and went to the Customs House. The dog was so little that she hoped the Customs officer wouldn’t notice it. At the Custom’s House she filled in all the necessary forms and came up to the Customs officer, who looked at her big suit-cases and asked if she had anything to declare.

“Oh, no,” she answered, “all the things are for my own use.”

“But do you know that you can’t bring dogs to this country?” asked the officer.

“But I have no dog,” answered the lady.

‘Then I understand the tail which is hanging down below your coat is your own,” said the Customs Officer.

Found out means…

31 / 40

Установите соответствие между профессиональными глаголами и выражениями на английском языке с их эквивалентами на русском языке:

To leave the sideburns
To take a bit off the top

32 / 40

Укажите пропущенное слово:

…Sundays I play tennis
I like playing board….

33 / 40

Укажите пропущенное слово:

I like to travel...train
We must walk ….foot more

34 / 40

Установите соответствие между вопросами и ответами.


35 / 40

Укажите пропущенное слово

All …..love cheese
Many ….are running on the playground

36 / 40

The sentence(s) in Past Continuous

37 / 40

Choose the sentence with Gerund.

38 / 40

Insert who where necessary.

39 / 40

Desdemona, who is killed by her jealous husband was created by

40 / 40

Appropriate preposition(s)
We checked ... the hotel and we went out to a restaurant.

Ваша оценка
